Mini Pastry Class

Mini Pastry Class Small is Beautiful ! How Long 2.5 / 3 hours How Many 2 to 5 people – no kids under 10 When From Tuesday to Friday – WE on request Where Close to Montmartre Rates on request Join us on this mini patries class and learn from scratch how to bake the […]

Family Baking Class

Family Baking Class Hand’s on baking class for children and grown-ups ! How Long 2.5 hours How Many Private – 2 to 6 people When From Tuesday to Friday – WE on request Where Close to Montmartre Rates on request Parents, grand-parents and kids are welcome in our kitchen to share our passion for cooking […]

Chou Class

Choux Class Chou is the new macaron ! How Long 2 to 3 hours How Many 2 to 5 pers. No kids under 10 When From Tuesday to Friday – WE on request Where Close to Montmarte Rates on request Paris-Brest, Saint-Honoré, éclairs, religieuses… The pâte à choux is a classic of French pastry. In […]

Macaron Class

Macarons Class Discover the secrets of home made macarons How Long 2 to 3 hours How Many 2 to 5 pers. No kids under 10 When From Tuesday to Friday – WE on request Where Close to Montmartre Rates on request During this private pastry class dedicated to macarons, discover all the steps and receive […]

French Classics

French Classics Become a French bistrot chef ! How Long 3 hours How Many Private – 2 to 5 people When From Tuesday to Friday – WE on request Where Close to Montmartre Rates on request French gastronomy isn’t only Michelin stars restaurants but above all, traditional recipes which are simple and super tasty that […]

Market, Cooking & Lunch

Market, Cooking & Lunch An insight into Parisian life  How Long 4.5 hours How Many Private – 2 to 6 people When From Tuesday to Friday Where Close to Montmartre Rates on request Get an authentic taste of Paris … Like a real French, shop at the market for fresh ingredients and walk to a private […]